Saturday, November 17, 2007


I had the misfortune of knowing and working with Jim Stachowiak for 6 months and it was 5 months too long. I founded and co-hosted Freedom Fighter Radio with Jim, up until he continually called for the killing of every Muslim in America on the air. It was racist statements, plagiarism and daily harassing phone calls to BTR staff for which he was thrown off of Blog Talk Radio. In return he verbally assaulted Alan Levy, who happens to be Jewish, calling him and the BTR staff anti-Semitic.

Why would I take the time to let you know what Jim's like? Let me tell you why.

1. Jim is a radical but not in a good sense. When people are sane and radical, it's a whole different thing than being insane and radical. I'm not a psychiatrist but I know this man is the latter.

2. Jim went so far as to say he supports the troops but put out a ton of bulletins on myspace slandering Sgt Chris Killian, an Iraqi War Vet, a personal friend of mine, calling him a "rag head lover" and that wasn't the worse of it..he also put pictures of Chris's fallen comrade who Chris had put on his site as a reminder of lives lost and a dedication to this friend who he watched being killed in battle. Chris himself had to be medically discharged from the Army due to injuries sustained in that same gunfire. Chris cheated death 3 times while he was fighting in Iraq. Do you know what Jim said when I asked him why he would do such a thing to heroes like Chris and his comrade? Get ready for this....his reason was that he heard Chris Killion on Anewtones' radio show, saying that all Muslims aren't bad, that it is the islamo fascists and the extremists who are bad. For that statement Jim exploited and slandered him and his fallen comrade. The dead soldier's parents saw the bulletins and were mortified to say the least. Their son had died a hero in their eyes and a so-called troop supporter like Jim posts that kind of crap all over the Internet.

3. He lies to get people to help him out with his blogs and radio show. Jim resides in Augusta, Ga. not Atlanta. On the air, Jim states that he was a state police officer and taking some time off because the stress was so much for him. Again, another delusion of grander for Jim. He was a city police officer for a couple months and was fired because he gave a minor, 16 year old female, alcohol and let her stay for the night at his house. He was fired from the city police force and was charged, with contributing to the delinquency of a minor and obstruction of justice for lying to the police about it.

4. He gets young women on his web cam and asks them if they want to see him masturbate. He did this to a young girl who was helping us with the freedom fighter show who was 18 years old and in the US army awaiting her deployment.

5. Not only was Jim banned from Blog Talk Radio, he was banned from Operation America Rising, for the statements about killing all the Muslims in America. Jim was also banned from the Gathering of Eagles for starting a fight and nearly a riot at GOE1, for which he was detained by the Capital Police. Jim was also banned from MAF, in return he verbally assaulted a Gold Star Mother that sits on the MAF board. He was also booted from All American Pod-caster. He was also banned from for stealing audio files and using them on his show without permission. He was also banned from myspace many times for his racist post.

I could go on and on about Jim and I use that term loosely but I won't. Please, please please, don't let Jim pull the wool over your eyes. He's never done anything good for anyone but himself and he changes his mind as often as most of us change our underwear on what his beliefs are. Although I agree 100% with the 'Stop SPP' rallies, I cannot fathom anyone supporting something that Jim is involved with knowing his past actions. I support Jim's freedom of speech, however his speech and actions cross the line. All the info above can be verified with a couple of phone calls.



The Truth Surge said... didn't even mention that several people have witness him pick his nose and eat his pickins on his web cam.

O.F.F. said...

I didnt want to gross our readers out. I figured his action's listed in the post in regards to his relations with an underage girl was gross enough!

The Truth Surge said...

the sick bastard should be in prison.